
Welcome to ‘tasty adventures’!  My name is Grace Pai and I’m a Los Angeles native (read: wannabe beach bum) studying public policy at the University of Chicago.  My time at the U of C has been intensely rewarding…and stressful.  Though I’ve loved (almost) every minute and am absolutely, head-over-heels in love with the city (despite its lack of real beaches), I will be spending most of my third year of college abroad.   I’m looking to pop the bubble around my existence (or expand it, at the very least) by traveling and operating outside of my comfort zone.

From June 2012 through March 2013, I’ll be studying in three incredible cities: Seoul, Rome, and Paris.  During the ten weeks I spend in each country, I hope to engage with the city, its culture, and its people, just as I have done in Chicago.  I will certainly miss being on campus (particularly as a student activist), but I trust that these experiences will enrich my education and help me discover more about who I am.

About the blog…

My goal is to chronicle my experiences with a focus on food and travel, and to provide the perspective of a young, Korean-American student exploring the world, little by little.  Don’t worry – this isn’t meant to be a journal of my travels, so I won’t be writing day-by-day recaps.  It’ll be more of a highlights reel of what I find to be interesting and delicious.  I’m also working on improving my photography skills, so unless otherwise noted, all photos I post are my own.  Thanks for reading!

About me as a blogger…

As I sit here revising my “about” section, I thought I should add a little about my blogger self.  This is my first blog, and I started it as a way to keep in touch with my friends and family back home.  It’s a bit of an experiment, and I’m learning as I write.  My posts are meant to share stories from my life abroad.  I hope they make you smile, because lots of smiles went into writing them.

I’ve already been quite impressed by the WordPress community, and I’m working on becoming a truer part of it.  To the bloggers I follow — I’m not following you just so that you’ll follow me.  I follow you because I’m truly interested in what you post.  Maybe you’ve made me laugh or have helped me in some way.  Maybe you make me feel like I can relate to your experiences.  Thanks for being awesome; you’ve taught me so much already.

In sum, this blog is just about me living, eating, and being abroad.  If you’re interested, welcome!


June 18, 2012 (updated August 6, 2012)


    • Thank you, Gail! I might follow just enough blogs to be able to pass this one on to others that inspire me, as yours does. I always look forward to reading your posts!

      Thanks again, and happy writing!

  1. I really like reading about ambitious young people . You are so lucky to have these once in a lifetime experiences at such a young age. I have always wanted to travel to other parts of the world and experience the culture and cooking, but in lieu of that I have friends from different countries , and in their stories , such as yours , have helped me to travel to places without leaving Northern Ontario Canada . Thanks for the journey

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